Identifying weak leadership

Strength is simple…. But this is about weak leadership sha

Weak leaders for instance will blame others for obvious failure

Result to name calling while validating their weak intentions

They will waste usable effort building elevators inside a molehill, and then make stools available for those who work with them as tools in climbing mountains.

Everyone else must draw their sense of worth from them and when you find the courage to draw such worth from any other source you will attract labels and be considered harmful to the defeated culture that they lead.

Weak leaders will break the trust of those they lead by living duplicitous lives but will openly demand that others live by standards that they themselves have for years been unable to live by

Lacking integrity and bankrupt of any genuine concern for the betterment of their fellow men

Always looking for someone or some experience or some material possession to validate their strength or rather their lack of it

They will permit only systems and structures that allow the type of chaos that fulfils their agenda and remain unwilling to build a system that shares power.

The worst of these types of leaders are the ones that have mastered benevolence as a manipulative tool, but justice and fairness are far from them.

The only concept of fidelity they understand is the one they have to their appetite

The world as they see it, usually very narrow is the only world there is

There is always tension caused by a very big divide because weak leaders lack the security and the skill that it takes to unlock consensus in a way that drives scepticism out

Nothing is more stressful than living in such a culture where these traits play out every day

My pain, I mean what really bothers me is that in many centres many good people are forced to sustain this type of leadership… children, staff, wives, husbands and even church members alike find reasons no matter how suffocating or how much of their personal dignity they must lose to keep this wheel of weak leadership rolling in the direction of mediocrity and retrogression.

I suspect that for weak leadership to be sustained there must be shared hypocrisy, or shared insecurity or shared weakness or a combination of all these factors. Such that subconsciously there is an agreement of some sort among the followers that weak leadership is the only leadership there is and that if they are given an opportunity to lead they will do far worse.

The overall resulting effect is nothing but excruciating pain, continuous stress and a misguided hope that tomorrow change will come… Until Now

Consistency in the Call

Our goal in our spiritual journey must be to become consistent.

Without any contradiction, we must be both personal and communal in our desire to be consistent in words and in deeds.

For without any doubt, society needs leadership. It is obvious to all who are discerning the type of responsibility that we should take, but deeper than that, is how we should now position ourselves if we want to salvage a dying world.

We must not only speak about changing society, we must live consistent to the standard that can change society.

Be not deceived, for while the pulpit is the platform through which God’s intent is revealed to man, society offers the platform through which His intent is achieved.

I mean, you cannot have a passion to help children and be a pedophile, or have a passion to help women and be defiling them whether you are a man or a woman, or be called to lead a church ministry and lack leadership capacity, or have a passion for economic influence and not be entrepreneurial. No matter your intention, you will stay defeated for you will be with one hand building and with another hand destroying.

God is sovereign in that he calls the weak, only so that we depend on His Strength.

While there will never be a time when we are perfect, but there must never come a time when we are comfortable with being imperfect, incompetent, weak and mediocre.

To be consistent to this standard, this higher calling must be the center theme of our worship. Equipping ourselves with the requisite strength must undergird our conversation as we commune and ultimately direct our social behavior.

Now more than ever, this must be our focus and drive for only then can we rid ourselves of the perfidy that keeps us defeated in many areas.


Independence vs Independence Day

On the 1st of October all that we celebrate in Nigeria is Independence Day not really independence.

Whilst we seem to have figured out the importance of celebrating Independence day to our collective national consciousness, we seem not to have figured out the role of independence to our national transformation.


But then this is not a post about politics or the nuances of national transformation, No.


It is about faith, about hypocrisy.


It is about how we constantly preach against independence, and the blessedness of individuality.

It is about how in the bid to place emphasis on collaboration and unity we create a very huge disconnect in the thinking of those who hear us.


It is about the erroneous idea that being independent is wrong, but celebrating Independence Day is right.


For close to 2 years now I have mulled over this thought I’m sharing with you. I can’t seem to understand how we stifle freedom in the manipulative content that we share, binding the souls of the same people that God has made free.


I have listened to and read books by highly respected leaders around this subject matter of independence, with very interesting topics like the spirit of independence, and/or having an independent spirit, but the truth is, no organization will grow and thrive without truly independent spirits and minds .

To be independent means:

  • To be proactive
  • To live a life centered on correct principles
  • To be driven by deeply intrinsic values
  • To be able to stay disciplined to the key priorities of your life with integrity
  • Stay in control of your human experiences
  • To take responsibility for your own life guided by principles, etc.

Not limited to the above alone, we see that independence is not freedom to be foolish; it is actually the beginning of self-leadership.

I do believe that no other institution outside of the church can truly drive the idea of living a life that is truly free and independent. The bible speaks in many places of the freedom that we have in Christ as a testament to this thought I share, but as we see in many centers, the church institution is not free from the embarrassment.

Independence is a human right to determine the outcome of one’s life within a very rich wall of principles.

Greed, selfishness and the lack of capacity to collaborate is a proof of ignorance and the wretchedness of the soul, so is the idea of saying it is because of an independent spirit.

Until folks are truly free and independent, lofty ideas such as unity, networking, collaboration and cohesive communities will be a very far cry.

What is worthy of note here is that all of life begins with dependency. Its highest level of expression is at the level of inter-dependency, but it is not possible to get there without independence – true independence.